Tuesday 16 February 2016

Meta is garnering some high caliber praise - but what is it?

On my walk to work this morning, I was listening to a great local podcast (I'm in New Zealand) called the NZ Tech Podcast. If you are from New Zealand or even abroad, and want to listen to some great tech commentary - check it out.

Anyway, during the podcast there was some brief speculation about a new product called Meta. I hadn't heard much about the product so did some quick research and expectantly, ended on the official website - https://www.metavision.com. So what is Meta? From what I can gather, it is an augmented reality headset, which sounds like it has capabilities somewhat similar to Microsoft's Holo lens. The things which really surprised me though, and the commentators of the NZ Tech Podcast, was the caliber of commentators discussing the revolutionary nature of the product. See the video below and you will see what I mean.

Now, I am used to reading about tech products that are going to change the world, but more often then not things over promise and over-deliver. A good example seems to be the holo-lens, which whilst still not in the hands of consumers, has been shown to only have a very limited viewing area which will be augmented. Is the Meta something similar but with a more impressive viewing plane?

Only time will tell (and not long to wait) - but I am thinking something along those lines will not be too far from the mark - particularly considering that the company has publicly demoed earlier iterations of the product in the past. The big question for me, is what is so revolutionary about the imminently to-be-released headset? I'm looking forward to finding out!

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